Schools — Avon Preservation & Historical Society

Old School Districts

Avon Academy on Temple Street

Avon has twelve historic school districts. Courtesy of the Avon Town Historian, you can see a  1872 map of Avon defining these districts. We have provided a timeline for each below.

School District No. 1 - Avon (Schools in Avon Village)

1792  - The first log school was located just north of present Episcopal Church. Pedie Joiner was the first schoolmaster. The building served also as meetinghouse.

1800 - First school in eastern section of the town was built on the incline east of the old Jolly Farmer  (5240 E. Avon Road, now a community residence).

1829 - Red brick school built, a few rods southeast of the former St. Agnes Rectory; it facilitated 50-80 pupils.

1836  - The Avon Academy was built on Temple Street south of the Avon Inn. It was a fashionable school for young ladies.

1830s - The Genesee Street School was built on the east side near Clinton Street.

1841 - The Temple Street School was built on the west side of the street near 127 Temple Street.

1863  - A red frame schoolhouse was constructed on Linden Street for children in the southwestern part of village. It presently exists as a dwelling.

Avon High School

Avon High School

1864  - Avon Academy purchased for use as Avon Union Free School.

1873  - Architect employed to repair old academy and make a good Union School House.

1876  - St. Agnes Parochial School established in a wooden building on north side of village park.

St. Agnes School and Convent

1895 - The name of the Union Free School was changed to Avon High School.

1907 - New Avon High School was built on the south side of upper Clinton Street at a cost of $40,000; brick construction.

1908  - New St. Agnes School erected at cost of $20,000; brick construction.

1943 - Avon School District centralized.

School District No. 2 - South Avon School

1850  - School building was erected on the Avon-Geneseo Road on the west side of the highway, approximately at the intersection of Paper Mill Road.

1874  - School burned during a February blizzard.

1875 - New school built on same site; frame construction.

1943 - Centralization - school sold to Mr. Rumfola for use as dwelling, but in 1966 was destroyed by fire.

East Avon School is now a pottery shop

School District No. 3 - East Avon School

1810 - Brick school house built on south side of Routes 5 & 20, a short distance west of the intersection at East Avon.

1851  - A frame school built opposite the site of the original school.  It presently exists as a pottery shop. 

School District No. 4 - Dutch Hollow School

1825  - School built about 1-1/2 mile east of East Avon on south side of Routes 5 & 20.

1861  - Second school built on same site. Has been remodeled replaced by a modern dwelling.

School District No. 5 - Pole Bridge School

1835 - School house built on northwest corner of Pole Bridge and Paper Mill Roads. It presently exists as a remodeled residence.

School District No. 6 - Burleigh's Corners

Unknown Date - Log schoolhouse, north of present school on Fowler farm on corner of Route 15 and Lake Road.

1850  - A red brick schoolhouse built about 300 yards south of the old log school; later destroyed by fire.

1906  - New frame construction school built; presently a residence.

School District No. 7 - Buck's Corner School

1829  - School house was located south of the southwest intersection of Marshall Road and Bronson Hill Road. It presently exists as a dwelling.

School District No. 8 - Bigelow School

Unknown Date - School located on the northwest corner of the intersection of North Avon Road and Oak Openings Road. The building stood vacant following centralization until sometime in the 1960s when it was destroyed by fire.

School District No. 9 - North Avon School

1812  - Original log school located near the corner of North Avon Road and Route 15.

1867  - Red brick school house was built on north side of North Avon Road across from Jenks Road. It was later remodeled into a residence.

Avon school children, APHS collection

School District No. 10 - Sugarberry School

1823  - Frame schoolhouse located on west side of Nations Road opposite Hogmire Road. The structure still stands as a residence.

School District No. 11 - Littleville School

1846 - First school built adjacent to Littleville Cemetery on the south side of Conesus Outlet.

1902  - New school was built for $1,265 on site of old school. Dedicated in 1949 as a meeting house for the Avon Scouts. 

School District No. 12 - South Lima School

1901 - School built to replace older one of unknown date. Located on corner of South Lima Road and Garden Street. The building was used as a community center and is now a residence.


This material was authored by Marie C. Preston and May M. Cullinan, exracted from Explanation and Description of the Overlay Maps That Illustrate Factors of Environmental Importance in the Town of Avon, Livingston County, New York by Joseph B. Halbig, Irene W. Swanton and Charles F. Wray, August 1974.

Revised by Avon Town Historians Maureen Kingston and Clara Mulligan, October, 2017